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Public Insurance

Our Public Insurance (Ameli) Assistance Service is designed to help expatriates and residents in France navigate the complexities of the French public health insurance system (Assurance Maladie). We guide individuals through the registration process and provide ongoing support for any health-related administrative needs.

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Time & Pricing

1 / Time

The registration process may take a few weeks, with additional time for the processing of the Ameli application.

2 / Pricing

Costs include service fees and any administrative fees associated with the Ameli assistance service. Transparent pricing is provided during the initial consultation.

Who is it for ?

Expatriates, residents, and individuals in France who need assistance with the registration and management of their public health insurance through Ameli.

Follow up Process

Clients are regularly updated on the progress of their Ameli application. After registration, we remain accessible for ongoing support, addressing any inquiries related to the Ameli system or health insurance coverage.

Get In Touch

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© حقوق الطبع والنشر 2023 CLIF - تعال للعيش في فرنسا - خدمات نقل المغتربين

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