Are you in need of immediate help in France? Store these crucial French emergency numbers, as they could be life-saving.
Understanding Emergency Services in France
Medical Service (SAMU): Call 15 for medical emergencies.
Police: Dial 17 for urgent police assistance.
Fire Service (Sapeurs Pompiers): Contact 18 for fire-related emergencies.
European Emergency Number: Dial 112 for any trouble.
COVID-19 in France
For information on COVID-19, visit the official Coronavirus (COVID-19) website. For country-specific details, consult our resource page.
Emergency Services Overview
Fire Services: For quick response, especially in rural areas, dial 18.
Police: For urgent police matters, dial 17. The Police Nationale operates in cities, while the Gendarmerie Nationale is in rural areas.
Healthcare Emergencies
Universal Emergency Number: For health-related emergencies, dial 15.
SAMU (Services d'Aide Medicale Urgente): Manages medical emergencies and dispatches assistance.
Out-of-Hours Doctor: Dial 116 117 for medical attention outside regular hours.
Mental Health Support
SOS Help: An English-speaking helpline for emotional support. Contact 0146 21 46 46.
Red Cross Counseling (Croix Rouge Ecoute): Offers anonymous services in French. Call 0800 858 858.
Substance Abuse Assistance
SOS Hotline for Drug/Alcohol Dependency: Dial 113 for immediate help.
AA France: For alcoholism support, contact 08 20 32 68 83 or visit their website.
Poison Control Centers
Angers: 02 41 48 21 21
Lyon: 04 72 11 69 11
Marseille: 04 91 75 25 25
... [List other relevant centers]
Children, Families, and Young People Services
Child Abuse and Female Victimization: Dial 119 for child abuse and 3919 for female victimization.
SOS Missing Children: Contact 116 000 or visit
Crime-related Services
Terror/Kidnapping Hotline: 197
Rape Hotline: 08 00 05 95 95
Racial Discrimination Helpline: 114
Utility and Telecommunications
Gas and Electricity Issues in Paris: Dial 01 43 35 40 87 for gas and 01 43 35 40 86 for electricity issues.
Road and Traffic Emergencies
In a car accident, contact the appropriate emergency number. Exchange details with the other driver and fill out a "constat amiable" if necessary.
LGBTQ+ Services
Federation of LGBT Associations: A central resource for the LGBTQ+ community in France.
Homelessness Services
Homeless Information Hotline: Dial 115 or 0800 306 306 for assistance.
Animal Services
Society for the Protection of Animals: Contact 01 438 040 66 for animal welfare concerns.
Embassy and Consulate Assistance
Algerian Embassy: 50 rue de Lisbonne, Paris. Contact +33 1 53 93 20 20.
German Embassy: 13-15 avenue Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Paris. Dial +33 1 53 83 45 00.
Moroccan Embassy: 5 rue Le Tasse, Paris. Call +33 1 45 20 69 35.
... [List other relevant embassies]
Lost or Stolen Property
Lost and Found Department: Report lost items online or at the main office in Paris.
Bank Cards: Contact the national reporting center at 08 92 70 57 05 immediately if your bank card is lost or stolen.
European-wide Emergency Numbers
Universal Emergency Number: 112 (also for hearing assistance).
When Calling French Emergency Services
Provide your full name, location, a description of the emergency, and any other relevant information. Please stay on the line until the operator says hanging up is okay.
Essential French Phrases for Emergencies
Police: La Police Nationale or gendarmerie
Fire Brigade: Les sapeurs pompiers
Emergency Services/Ambulance: Service d'Aide Médicale d'Urgence or SAMU
It’s an emergency: C’est un cas d’urgence.
I need an ambulance: J'ai besoin d'une ambulance.
Heart attack: une crise cardiaque
Stroke: une attaque cérébrale
Choking: s'étouffer
Difficulty breathing: difficulté à respirer
Bleeding: saigner
Diabetic: diabétique
Labor: accouchement/accoucher
Poisoning: s'empoisonner
Remember, being prepared with these numbers and phrases can make a significant difference in an emergency in France. Stay safe and informed!